Status: Proposal

Law - Austria - Social Responsibility Bill

Social Responsibility Bill

Summary Table

  • Reporting
  • Due Diligence
  • Other
Normative scope
  • Human Rights
  • Environment
  • Broad ranging
Value chain scope
  • Own Operations
  • Subsidiaries
  • Direct Suppliers
  • Indirect Suppliers
  • Full Value Chain
Company scope
  • Large Companies
  • SMEs
  • All sectors
Administrative enforcement
  • Monitoring
  • Administrative Sanctions
  • Other
Judicial enforcement
  • Civil Liability
  • Facilitating Access to Justice
  • Other
  • Reporting
    • The due diligence process must be carried out at least once a year
    • Large companies that are obliged to publish non-financial reports according to Austrian law (according to the NFRD) must include SZVG in their reports; other companies are not obliged to report
    • Companies must hand over their internal documentation to certain organisations enumerated in the law (the Austrian Trade Union Federation and a consumer advocacy group called VKI are among them) if asked to do so
  • Due Diligence
    • Companies must carry out regular checks along their supply chains to identify where risks regarding Child Labour and Forced Labour exist; the due diligence process must be carried out at least once a year
    • Companies are obliged to take due diligence measures for Child Labour and Forced Labour by eliminating risks or minimizing them to the relevant extent
    • The bill does not refer to the UNGPs or the OECD guidelines for multinational enterprises; the commentary to the bill mentions the UNGPs
    • Includes risk analysis, follow-up measures and stakeholder involvement
    • Companies are not required to establish an “early warning system”
    • Companies are not required to define in advance how violations or complaints will be dealt with
  • Other
    • Internal documentation is required
Normative scope
  • Human Rights
  • Environment
  • Broad ranging
    • Focuses on child labor and forced labor
Value chain scope
  • Own Operations
  • Subsidiaries
  • Direct Suppliers
  • Indirect Suppliers
    • The proposal seeks to cover the entire supply chain
    • The risk analysis must be carried out “in an appropriate manner”, the appropriateness depending on various factors laid down by law
  • Full Value Chain
Company scope
  • Large Companies

  • SMEs
    • Applies to all companies that place products on the market in Austria that meet at least two out of following three criteria:
      • 10 million euros annual turnover
      • 5 million euros total assets
      • 50 employees
    • The bill covers SMEs as defined in EU law

  • All sectors
    • Specifically covers the garment industry (including shoes and textiles)
Administrative enforcement
  • Monitoring
  • Administrative Sanctions
  • Other
    • Seeks to establish a “Corporate Social Responsibility Fund” through which organizations entitled to file civil actions against companies based on the SZVG are eligible to receive financial support by the fund, as well as corporations and individuals that contribute to corporate social responsibility in Austria
Judicial enforcement
  • Civil Liability
  • Facilitating Access to Justice
  • Other
    • Certain organizations enumerated in the law (the Austrian Trade Union Federation and a consumer advocacy group called VKI are among them) are entitled to file civil actions against companies. If successful, the civil action will result in:
      • (1) a ban of placing on the market of the product and/or
      • (2) a skimming of excess profits (the money goes towards the “Corporate Social Responsibility Fund”)


Entwurf eines Sozialverantwortungsgesetzes (SZVG)

May 28, 2020
Area Labor Law
Due diligence
Due diligence and remedy