Companies must submit a statement to the regulatory authority declaring they have carried out due diligence related to child labor throughout their full supply chain
The law does not require an annual statement. The statement must be submitted once as it has long-term validity.
The competent authority can consider joint plans of actions. All statements will be published on the website of the competent authority
Due Diligence
Assess whether there is presumption of child labor within the company’s supply chain as defined by the ILO and IOE in the ‘Child Labor Guidance for Business’- a guide based on the UNGPs
If there is a presumption of the use of child labor, the company must draw up an action plan to prevent this impact in line with international guidelines (UNGPs or OECD Guidelines)
Normative scope
Human Rights
Covers child labor meaning work performed by anyone under the age of 15 (or subject to compulsory schooling) and by anyone under the age of 18 if it endangers the health, safety and morality of those performing it
Broad ranging
Focused on child labor as defined by Article 3 of the 1999 ILO Convention on the Worst Forms of Child Labor and the 1973 ILO Convention on Minimum Age if ratified by the state where the work takes place
Value chain scope
Own Operations
Duty to investigate whether there is reasonable suspicion that goods or services to be supplied to Dutch end-users have been produced using child labor
Direct Suppliers
Indirect Suppliers
Full Value Chain
Company scope
Large Companies
Applies to any company, wherever incorporated, that delivers products and services to the Dutch market two or more times a year
No general exemption for SMEs
Categories of companies may be exempted by General Administrative Order, yet the size of a company will not necessarily determine whether it is exempt
All sectors
Administrative enforcement
No active enforcement of the competent authority, only complaints from third-party will trigger enforcement
The competent authority can provide instructions and time frame requirements for companies that fail to conduct due diligence
Administrative Sanctions
Companies that fail to submit a statement will be fined up to € 4,100
If a company is fined twice within five years, the next violation can lead to imprisonment of the responsible director or a fine of up to 10% of the company’s annual revenue
Judicial enforcement
Civil Liability
Facilitating Access to Justice
Any natural or legal person can file a complaint with the regulator if there is concrete evidence that a company’s products or services were produced with child labor
Complaints must first be submitted to the company and if the company’s reaction is ‘inadequate’ the case may be brought to the regulator
More information
Expected to enter into force in mid-2022
Four Dutch political parties (ChristenUnie, GroenLinks, PvdA and SP) submitted a bill titled ‘Responsible and Sustainable International Business Conduct’ which if passed will replace the Child Labor Due Diligence Act
Wet Zorgplicht Kinderarbeid
May 14, 2019
AreaConsumer Protection Law
Due diligence
Due diligence and remedy
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