Status: Proposal

Law - European Union - Sustainable Batteries Regulation

Sustainable Batteries Regulation

Summary Table

  • Reporting
  • Due Diligence
  • Other
Normative scope
  • Human Rights
  • Environment
  • Other Social Matters
  • Broad ranging
Value chain scope
  • Own Operations
  • Subsidiaries
  • Direct Suppliers
  • Indirect Suppliers
  • Full Value Chain
Company scope
  • Large Companies
  • SMEs
  • All sectors
Administrative enforcement
  • Monitoring
  • Administrative Sanctions
Judicial enforcement
  • Civil Liability
  • Facilitating Access to Justice
  • Reporting
    • As of 1 July 2024, rechargeable and electric vehicles batteries with internal storage will require a carbon footprint declaration
    • As of 1 January 2027, industrial electric-vehicle and automotive batteries with internal storage must declare the content of recycled cobalt, lithium and nickel
    • As of 1 January 2027, portable batteries of general use may only be placed in the market if their electrochemical performance and durability parameters are fulfilled
    • By 1 January 2026, industrial batteries and electric-vehicle batteries must have a unique electronic record for each battery (battery passport) providing public information on its model for consumers to make informed decisions
    • Reporting obligations on end-of-life management
  • Due Diligence
    • Operators placing rechargeable industrial batteries and electric-vehicle batteries on the EU market must establish supply chain due diligence policies
  • Other
    • From January 2022, all batteries must be CE marked to ensure conformity with the Regulation’s requirements
    • Labeling requirements for different types of batteries with information on lifetime, charging capacity, safety.
    • End-of-life management obligations to ensure sustainable waste disposal and recycling
Normative scope
  • Human Rights
  • Environment
    • Scope limited to batteries to ensure they are sustainable, high-performing and safe
  • Other Social Matters
  • Broad ranging
    • Covers only batteries, but of all types: portable batteries, automotive batteries, electric-vehicle batteries, industrial batteries
Value chain scope
  • Own Operations
  • Subsidiaries
  • Direct Suppliers
  • Indirect Suppliers
  • Full Value Chain
    • The proposal seeks to cover the entire battery value chain
Company scope
  • Large Companies
  • SMEs
  • All sectors
    • Limited to the batteries sector: covers economic operators placing batteries in the EU market
Administrative enforcement
  • Monitoring
    • Article 69 allows market surveillance authorities to require operators to take corrective actions if the battery is not compliant or if the operator fails to fulfill its obligations
  • Administrative Sanctions
    • Article 76 obliges member states to establish penalties for infringements of the regulation
Judicial enforcement
  • Civil Liability
  • Facilitating Access to Justice

More information

  • Member states can start negotiations with the Parliament
  • 17 March 2022: the Council adopted a general approach on the proposal

Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and the Council Concerning Batteries and Waste Batteries, repealing Directive 2006/66/EC and amending Regulation (EU) No 2019/1020

European Union
December 10, 2020
Area EU Corporate Law
Due diligence
Due diligence and remedy