Status: Proposal

Law - Austria - Supply Chain Act for a social, human rights based and sustainable mode of production

Supply Chain Act for a social, human rights based and sustainable mode of production

Summary Table

  • Reporting
  • Due Diligence
Normative scope
  • Human Rights
  • Environment
Value chain scope
  • Own Operations
  • Subsidiaries
  • Direct Suppliers
  • Indirect Suppliers
  • Full Value Chain
Company scope
  • Large Companies
  • SMEs
Administrative enforcement
  • Monitoring
  • Administrative Sanctions
  • Other
Judicial enforcement
  • Civil Liability
  • Facilitating Access to Justice
  • Other
  • Reporting
    • Reporting on the due diligence process is required at least once a year
  • Due Diligence
    • The due diligence process must be carried out on a regular basis
    • The motion for a resolution refers to the UNGPs, the OECD guidelines for multinational enterprises and the OECD sectoral guidelines, emphasizing the need for them to be incorporated in legally binding rules
    • Includes risk analysis, follow-up measures and stakeholder involvement
    • Companies are required to establish an “early warning system”
    • Companies are required to define in advance how violations or complaints will be dealt with
Normative scope
  • Human Rights
    • Including labor rights
  • Environment
    • All internationally recognized environmental and climate standards
Value chain scope
  • Own Operations
  • Subsidiaries
  • Direct Suppliers
  • Indirect Suppliers
    • The motion for a resolution seeks to cover the entire supply chain
  • Full Value Chain
Company scope
  • Large Companies
  • SMEs
    • Will cover all companies with a minimum turnover, which is yet to be defined
Administrative enforcement
  • Monitoring
    • State authority with civil society advisory board
  • Administrative Sanctions
    • Proportionate, effective and dissuasive penalties and sanctions including
      • Fines
      • Exclusion from public procurement procedures
      • Prohibition from placing goods on the market or offering services
  • Other
    • Public registry for company reports
Judicial enforcement
  • Civil Liability
    • Guaranteed access for victims to Austrian courts
    • Civil liability is foreseen for:
      • damage caused by your own corporate activities
      • damage caused by subsidiaries
      • damage caused by companies to which a business relationship exists (if directly related to products, services or activities of the company)
  • Facilitating Access to Justice
    • Burden of proof: companies have to prove that they have
      exercised due diligence
    • Generous time limitation periods for bringing a civil lawsuit
    • Financial support for claimants, including for costs for lawyers, evidence, travel, opinions and interpreters
  • Other
    • Criminal liability in certain cases

More information

  • This motion for resolution has not been voted on yet, it was on the agenda at the 15th meeting of the Environment Committee, but it was adjourned at the meeting of October 21, 2021

Lieferkettengesetz für eine für eine soziale, menschenrechtskonforme und nachhaltige produktionsweise

March 25, 2021
Area Company Law, Civil Law, Criminal Law
Due diligence
Due diligence and remedy